
Tomy 1218 Autoclaves are essential for almost any type of laboratory, and it is crucial to choose the best autoclave that suits your needs.

Secure Sterilization and Time-saving are the high priority to consider for researchers, and TOMY Autoclaves are designed with innovative features as standard.
TIPs Info How Icon 150x150
Bio Waste Disposal
Find out how you can safely dispose of your bio waste using a Separator kit for petri dishes and the ST-ZERO bio waste sterilisation container. 

Accessories for Autoclaves
Tomy offers a large range of buckets and other accessories for their autoclaves.
Contact Us for advice.

High Throughput FLS-1000 Autoclave
Makes large volume sterilization easier

Multiple Shared Use SX Series Autoclaves
For central autoclave room and washing room

Choosing the best autoclave largely depends on several factors, including articles to be sterilized (what you are autoclaving), your throughput needs (how large your articles to be sterilized are and how much you need to autoclave) and available laboratory space, as well as convenience and personal preference. TOMY Autoclave line-up will help you choose the right autoclave for your sterilizing needs.
Model High-throughput Multiple Shared Use
  FLS-1000 SX-700 SX-500 SX-300
Fine Pressure Adjustment Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cooling Fan Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ergonomic Height Design
(Height to working table)
(78.5 cm)
(82.7 cm)
(79.4 cm)
(61.4 cm)

Sterilization Course
Sterilization – Normal
(Labware and Waste)
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sterilization – Liquid
(Media, Solvent, Water)
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sterilization & Warming
(Sterilizing and keep warming media)
X Yes Yes Yes
(Melting and keep warming media)
X Yes Yes Yes
Option: External Temperature Sensor Yes Yes Yes Yes
Option: Protector Kit for External Temperature Sensor X Yes Yes X
Option: Printer Yes
(Dot Matrix)
Option: Biowaste Sterilization Container ST-ZERO Yes Yes Yes Yes
Please contact us for more options / flasks / baskets / buckets
TOMY SS-Basket TOMY SS-Bucket TOMY LongBasket